This Sub-Headline Can Be Edited (font/color/effect) or Completely Removed. Both the Main Title (above) and this sub headline can be overlayed on the CSS gradient header (this style), or over a graphic image background as well! Alternatively, you can use a custom graphic header for a truly unique effect!
There is a new footer widget option in the "Footer" control panel which allows you to create a footer widget area like this. You can have between 1 & 4 widget sections in this panel and you can control colors for section titles, text, and background color. Also you can control the font style and size for the section titles.
What Can These Sections Be Used For?
Well,.. almost anything, and at least anything that you can put into a sidebar widget, you can put here too.
Notice the "Meta Data" widget placed below:
Did You Know?
With Vortex 3.5 you can now place the menu bar in the Top Thin banner in either the left or the right position. This allows you to create some very distinctive and attractive looking websites.
And the new updated coding allows you to run the ticker tape news plugin inside the Top Thin Banner as you can see at the top of this page. The Ticker plugin allows you to feature html and hyperlinks, and you can pause the ticker by hovering over with your mouse!
Some New Features at a Glance
* Put menu bar in Top Thin Banner
* Switch position of Top Thin banners
* Run a Ticker Tape in the Top Thin Banner
* Shadow Text Function for Headlines
* 1-4 Section Footer Widget
* A full width option for header/logo (overrides CTA arrow)
* A new ability to place a menu in the top ribbon right or left side
* A new option for the top thin banner style width to be extended from 660px to 970px
* A new improved Ajax style mobile collapsible menu
* Improved Styling in all Browsers